Are You Looking For A Virtual Hypnotherapist Or Hypnosis Entertainment
In The Greater Philadelphia Area?
If You Are You Struggling With One Or More Of The Following:
Stop Smoking
Lose Weight
Get Rid of Anxiety
Gain Confidence
Stop Your Bad Habits
Pass A Test
​Have More Confidence
Gain Motivation
Stop Procrastination
Feel Good
I Can Help You, Guaranteed.
Scroll Down To Learn About Me
Geoff has been a Board Certified Hypnotist since 2008 and resides in the Greater Philadelphia Area. At the age of 9, he became intrigued with the subconscious mind and human psyche and began exploring the ways that the mind can create positive changes in our physical and mental health.
He struggled with weight issues and was diagnosed with epilepsy at a very young age. He used his knowledge of the power that the mind and was able to lose 30 pounds, run a 4:58 mile, and rid himself of a neurological disorder, Epilepsy.
Geoff now helps others along their journey through skype/telephone/live hypnotherapy sessions, his hilarious hypnosis shows, featured podcast, workshops, and more.
Bachelors Degree
Certified Master Hypnotist
National Guild Of Hypnotists Member
5 Path Hypnotherapist
NPTI Personal Trainer & Nutrition Consultant

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$175 per session1 hr
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